2021 Business Officer Institute

Virtual Program  •  June 21–24, 2021  •  12 - 4 pm ET daily


The NBOA Business Officer Institute provides the hands-on knowledge, tools and resources you need to be successful at your school. The four-day virtual program ensures you are up to date on trends in the independent school industry and the many areas you manage every day, which may include accounting and finance, human resources, facilities, business operations, board governance and reporting and more.

Who Attends?

The Business Officer Institute (BOI) is created for, and geared toward, business officers who are new or relatively new to their role and provides an immersion into the independent school world in a safe-to-learn environment. For those with more experience in the profession, BOI provides an opportunity to learn about the latest tools and resources, gain insights into current issues and serve as mentors to newer professionals. The program is also valuable for other business office professionals including controllers, human resources directors or anyone aspiring to become the business officer of an independent school.

The Virtual Program

A mix of general sessions and smaller, cohort learning allows you to make connections and get the most out of your time. BOI’s intimate learning experience provides participants with opportunities to create long-term professional friendships with their peers. Past attendees attest that the relationships developed at BOI have proven invaluable to them over the course of their careers.

This focused, intensive and energizing program allows you to concentrate on a variety of essential topics in a short amount of time. Courses are taught by a faculty of experienced, highly regarded business officers currently working in independent schools, as well as NBOA staff, who offer in-house expertise on independent school business operations. Other experts with industry-specific knowledge will lead seminars that focus on key aspects of independent schools.

To augment the live sessions, additional materials will be provided before the Institute for self-study. This may include recorded lessons, written resources and more to enhance your learning related to fundamental independent school business and operations issues.

Questions? Please email programs@nboa.org or call 202-407-7140.


Winter Webinar Series

Stay Up-to-Date on Hot Topics in Independent School Business & Business Operations

From endowment spending to hiring and retention strategies, learn about the latest information most relevant to your job as an independent school professional in an easy and accessible format. Webinars are held on select Thursdays at 3 PM ET. 

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